Part 103: Looks like you're having a hard time. Allow me to assist.
-Looming Threat-
Go get 'em, Estelle.
Wherever those maps show a red wall, you'll have to go around.
Not bad at all, but I'm sticking with the Glove Gear.

...Fine, then. You don't wanna let me by?

In that case, I'll just have to MAKE MY OWN DOOR!

So much for my career as Estelle the Wall-Crusher, I guess...

Guess I'll just have to try and find some way around.
Why does the Society of Ouroboros have like a dozen different insignias, anyway?

Someone please tell me why this thing has to be so ridiculously huge and easy to get lost in.

At this point, my only real hopes are to either find a parachute or somehow take control of one of the smaller airships...

Either way, gotta keep going!
Hold on a minute. I'm expecting guests. Let's bake up some nice hors d'oeuvres and put on our formal orbments.
Enhanced Jaeger Eins: Heh...That's far enough, girlie.
Enhanced Jaeger Zwei: Not too bad, though, escaping from custody on the Glorious and all. The daughter of Cassius Bright does not disappoint.

Enhanced Jaeger Drei: You understand, of course, that trying to resist is pointless. Be a good little girl and lay down your weapon.
Young Man's Voice: Heh heh. What a pathetic showing, Estelle Bright.
Enhanced Jaeger Eine-Hälfte: Oh, don't recognize me with the helmet, do you? Fine, then. Look into the face of the one who bested you!


I doubt you ever thought to encounter me again even in your worst nightmares, hm?

Erm, I think I remember seeing your face before...

Who...are you again?

WHAT?! I am Gilbert! The former steward of the honorable Mayor Dalmore! You could at least REMEMBER the people you've arrested!

Well, excuse the heck out of me for being surprised!

I mean, first of all, didn't we hand you over to the army for a trial and stuff? How'd you even manage to get here?

Heh. You doubt my resourcefulness! During the coup, I managed to escape in the chaos.

Shortly thereafter, Ouroboros found me, and so I pledged my allegiance to them.

I don't know whether to call that tenacious or just thickheaded...

Are you seriously a jaeger? You're not actually going to fight, are you?

And again, you underestimate me.

I am a prodigy of the sword as much as the pen--a master of both!

But, um, I remember how you screamed back when you got roughed up by those Special Ops guys at the lighthouse. Do you really think you're cut out for combat? It was all high pitched too, like--

S-SILENCE! I have been part of a huge number of combat enhancement programs since I first entered the society's service. My physical abilities have been greatly increased, and my knowledge of battle tactics is unparalleled. So don't think you can best me again, bracer scum!
Enhanced Jaeger Zwei: For the love of...
Enhanced Jaeger Drei: Ah, just play along for now.

Now, then, Estelle Bright. If you want to live, throw aside your stick, get down on your knees, and beg for mercy. If you do that, I may even forgive your past transgressions.

Oh, what an offer. I'm moved to tears over here. Really.

But sorry, I'm pretty thickheaded, too.


Maybe I can't beat one of your crazy Enforcers on my own, but I can sure throw down with the likes of you!

So bring it on, screamer!
-Fight With Assailant-
You don't have to win this battle, and you won't if you try to fight it normally, but it's worth some extra BP if you can pull it off within the time limit.
The enhanced jaegers have a few tricks: Faint-inflicting charge attacks, melee impedes, grenades, even Reviving Balm for downed comrades.

And then there's Gilbert.

Now this is a really bad starting position, so I'm just going to take a little walk...

...out of attack range for three of them. Hopefully they'll start bunching up.

Yooou're FINISHED!
They've obliged nicely. Now I can even these odds a little.

Thanks, buddies!

I've also got some brand-new attack foods, and this is the perfect place to use them.

Now suck on my meaty balls, Gilbert.

Did you know? Ailment quartz can activate on food attacks.

It's true!

Too late, ex-buddy.
It's just...a flesh wound...
-Looming Threat-

How in the world...? Impossible...We outnumber her!

*pant* See?! THAT'S what a bracer can do, jerkwads!
Enhanced Jaeger Eins: She's Cassius Bright's daughter, all right...We shouldn't have underestimated her.
Enhanced Jaeger Zwei: Right, then. Pop the safeties.

Behold, one of the gifts of Ouroboros! Our bodies surge with the power of the society's technology. We are far greater than normal men, especially with the safeties off.

Man's Voice: Just in time!
Enhanced Jaeger Tausend: Looks like you're having a hard time. Allow me to assist.

That won't be necessary. She's put up quite a fight, but we'll wear her down eventually. You're welcome to watch, of course.
Enhanced Jaeger Tausend: I wasn't talking to you.

What are y--


Enhanced Jaeger Tausend: I'm sorry, but you're not cut out for this.